We will stand before a judge and petition to make official what we already feel in our hearts.....

that this little angel is our daughter...

that she is meant to be part of our family forever...

that she will be loved....

that she will be taught.....

that she will have opportunities to grow and the potential to be great....

that she will be able to let her light shine to the world....

Tomorrow is the day....

we will plead our case to a judge in a foreign country

who doesn't speak our language,

we will plead with her that this child is worthy of the life we can offer her,

that this child
deserves to be saved and to live outside an institution

and we will pray that what is in our hearts and the spirit that has led us to this point

will transcend all language and cultural barriers and that this judge will KNOW

that it is not coincidence that we are here at this time

it is a miracle that was meant for this one little girl, a miracle that has been in the works long before now

Tomorrow is the day we will find out
when we can take this sweet girl from behind these orphanage walls

and show her to the world

we will find out
when we can take her across the ocean

to a world she has only dreamed of

to a family she has never known

to joy and happiness she never knew she deserved

My dad is so good with words and he sent me a sweet message that says some of what we want the judge to know tomorrow :
For the past four years, Mia has been taken care of by the good people of the (orphanage) and we thank them for their love and care. My husband and I have travelled nearly 7000 miles to put our arms around this little girl and include her in our family.

She has three sisters waiting for our safe arrival home and your good decision will keep those four children together for the rest of their lives. We love this child with all our hearts and will continue to care for her always."
He advised us to " Speak from the heart and trust Doctrine and Covenants 100:6: "For it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment what ye shall say."

If you trust the Spirit and speak from your heart, the judge will have a hard time saying no to you."

We have had a nice Sabbath day here fasting and praying for our court tomorrow and we have felt such peace. We were able to attend church today and have some neat experiences there. Tonight one of the facilitators called to check on us and told us to be prepared to answer the question "why do you want to adopt a child with special needs from here?" We have so many answers we could give to that question, and we will pray that we are prompted tomorrow which one(s) to give that will speak from our hearts.

We don’t know exactly what the future will hold, but we are certain that this is one of the best decisions we have ever made!
Tomorrow is the day we hope to make this little sweetheart an orphan no more!
I will be praying that the judge will clearly see and hear your love for that sweet angel girl! Waiting anxiously to hear that it's done!
ReplyDeleteYou are shiny! I've told you that before. I've continued to see it in your post, esp since you've been away. I can't imagine a good judge telling you no, you just glow too darn much! But you are in my prayers. I am so happy for Mia. It will all work out, but still I can't wait until it's official! What a happy day that will be! Best wishes!
ReplyDeletewe will be praying for you here and you are in our thoughts and hearts. xxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteI will be thinking about you and praying for you this evening and tomorrow morning. Although, I think that right now as I type this it might already be morning for you over there (it is 5:21 pm here). I can't wait to open your blog in the morning and read that Mia is now officially your daughter!
Thank you, as always, for the beautiful post--
ReplyDeleteAll the prayers from our home are being said for your family for the court hearing.....
Very soon, very soon
I am not sure how you are going to get any sleep waiting through the last few hours but I hope that when you do wake up all of your dreams will come true. We pray that miracles continue to occur and that you will soon experience Gotcha Day!
ReplyDeletei love everything you said in this post...Mia is going to be so blessed to be in your family. it's amazing what God has done already with raising money on Patti's blog to now and i can only imagine the future He has planned for her life and your family.
ReplyDeletewill be praying for you tomorrow...and anxiously checking for an update here!
Good luck tomorrow, I wish you could bring your blog with to show the judge the JOY that each of you have had since you met! I am sure that the judge will be able to feel the love you have for Mia as you share your reasons for coming across the world to bring your baby home! Our prayers are with you!
ReplyDeleteWatching your adventure is way better than anything on TV - star quality actors, amazing photography, heart-soaring plot, and a bit of suspense (feeling sure there is a happy ending coming, but joy in watching it unfold). I check in multiple times a day, hoping to catch a new "episode" of Mia's cuteness, sweetness and determined little personality blossoming! Kecia, I'm your mom's cousin, who you probably don't remember ever meeting. Thank you so much for doing this wonderful thing, and for sharing it with us!
ReplyDeletePraying for you all!!
ReplyDeletePraying for you!!!
ReplyDeleteSuch a sweet post Kecia. Mia is so deserving of your family and will be loved always. Good luck with everything and we will continue to pray for your family.
ReplyDeletePraying, Kecia! Can't wait to read a post-court awesome update!! <3
ReplyDeletethank you so for sharing this journey with all of us.....praying, praying, praying for you to quickly bring miss mia home :)
ReplyDeletePRAYING PRAYING PRAYING for you guys! Love you so much!