Now that it is May, things are moving in fast forward and the real countdown is on. We now have 12 days until we leave for U******.!!! We are getting things in order for the kids and our room is full of piles of things to take. I found this really cute book called the "Red Thread". It is an adoption fairytale about a King and Queen who feel something tugging at their hearts and they realize they have red thread pulling at their hearts and they journey across the ocean and to a far away land where no one speaks their language and the red thread leads them to a child who has been pulling on the red thread and waiting for them to come. It is a perfect analogy of what we have felt the last few months and soon we will get to meet the little girl at the end of that thread!

Kyra loved vacuuming the bags

After we packed the orphanage suitcase Kris looked at me and said "well we just packed one of our I am starting to freak out a little!" It is really starting to feel strange that after months of working towards this, we are almost there!
We started laying out some clothes to take for Kareen, in hopes that we get to bring her home on the first trip. Although it is usually not the case, we are hoping and planning for both scenarios just in case. If we don't get to bring her home then we will just bring her things back on the second trip.
For those who don't know the process, this is the general way it works.
We will have our SDA appointment on May 17 and hopefully be able to pick up our official referral on the 18th. Then we will take the overnight 11 hour train ride from the capital city to the region where her orphanage is. We will then meet her...hopefully thursday sometime but possibly not until friday. Then you file a court request and you wait for a court date. While you are waiting for a court date you have visiting time periods each day to spend at the orphanage with her and then your other time is spent doing necessary paperwork and some site seeing in between. Once you receive a court date that is when you are granted legal custody of the child and by law their is a 10 day waiting period after court that allows for a family member to petition the adoption. In most cases of children with special needs, the family has signed away their rights since birth so this waiting period wouldn't be a real issue and if the judge decides to waive the waiting period, then you would get to immediately start the process of all the necessary paperwork through the embassy to finalize the adoption and bring her home with you. If the judge decides not to waive the waiting period than we would go home and then travel back after the waiting period and then finish up the process. So for everyone's sake, we are praying the judge waives the 10 day wait, but unfortunately it seems to be more common to not get it waived.
So basically there is no definite plan as far as timing goes. We really don't know how long we will be there, or when we will get to take her from the orphanage. It is a day by day process so it has been hard to plan for the kids since we don't know if it will be 2 or 3 or even 4 weeks. I have to really not think about how I have to be away from my girls for that long because it makes me so anxious and sad. If only I could bottle up Bree's magical hugs, Adrie's sweet smile, and Kyra's cute laugh to take with us! I am so grateful that my girls were willing to travel this road and are willing to let us go bring this little girl into our family. I know we could not have done this had they not been so supportive and excited and loving towards Kareen and this journey from the very beginning. They have been amazing!!!
I have pretty much just come to the conclusion that I am only going to get more and more emotional from here on out. In 12 days we will be leaving our 3 girls to go and find the little one who has been tugging at our hearts the last few months.
Praying for you and so excited to continue to read about your journey. Thanks for all the great post you do in sharing about your journey.
ReplyDeleteLove it! So excited for you all. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Anna
ReplyDeleteSO excited seeing those suitcases being packed! We will be praying for your girls and for your trip and for the judge to waive that wait!!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, too funny- we were posting on each other's blogs at the same time! It just hit me why I love Albina so much- she looks so much like Kareen!!! Love those sweet little cherub faces:)
ReplyDeleteIt's starting to hit me that I'm not going to able to talk to you on a daily basis for almost a month. What the heck am I going to do??? It's not that expensive to call home a couple times a day, right?!?!
ReplyDeleteI cry every time I read your updates....I'm excited to hear how things go in the next little while!!
ReplyDeleteSO exciting, Kecia!!! Now that we've sent our dossier, I feel like I have nothing to do and the separation from our older 3 kids, and knowing they will be away from their baby sis too while we are gone, is making me very anxious and sad too. BUT it will all be worth it! You'll be meeting Kareen in just a couple of weeks - yahoo!!
ReplyDeleteWow, you are so close! I am anxiously awaiting those pictures of you with Kareen! You guys are seriously amazing!!! Crossing my fingers and toes that everything goes smoothly for you.
ReplyDeletePraying that all goes well for you and praying that Kareen will be home with your family very soon.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting all goosebump-y and jittery for you. You are so close to traveling!!