Wednesday, July 13, 2011

4th of July weekend

The 4th of July weekend is always full of excitement and usually lasts all weekend.

We started out the fun at the balloon launch with Grandma Camme, Papa Steve, and all the cousins

Adrie thought this balloon was the Ukraine balloon because it had the Ukraine colors

Then we headed to the neighborhood breakfast by Kris' parents house
It was so fun to get to meet so many people who had been following Mia's journey.

Cute Bailey has been an avid supporter of Mia and we finally got to meet in person for the first time! She was emotional when she saw Mia in person. It really touches my heart to see all the people that Mia has touched.

We went to the park to watch the stadium of fire fireworks

Grandpa brought the trampoline for the kids to play on

We did more swimming at grandma's
Bree has now decided she can jump off the diving board all by herself

We are loving the snowie machine!

we spent one night celebrating at aunt Tysen's house with fireworks and treats

love how little Lyla sits with her legs crossed!

Mia was content sitting at eating, and eating, and eating

when she got to rid in this car she was in HEAVEN! She squealed and clapped the entire time!

She loved the fireworks and was not one bit scared of them


  1. What beautiful and colorful pictures. Love how Bree & Mia are dressed the same and seeing those happy smiles. That Bree just makes me smile every time I see her.

  2. Yay! I'm such a sap...I almost started to cry just seeing the picture of us! I'm going to steal it so I can blog it...if you don't mind :)

  3. I love the one of your girls in the princess car. Mia and Bree both look like they are in a princess parade. Those smiles just light up my world. I can't wait to get our daughter home so she can smile like that.

  4. Love Mia in the power wheels!! :D SO cute!!

  5. The picture of you and the girls is fantastic! I hope that one is getting framed on your wall! :) Looks like everyone had fun celebrating.

  6. Keep those pictures coming - Can't get enough of them! Thanks so much for taking the time to share
