Monday, June 27, 2011

The Reality is...

Week one home with Mia was a whirlwind!

The Reality is.....
we were exhausted. I think it was a combination of the jet lag, and the fact that my body is finally letting go of all the emotions and stress that has been building up over the last 6 months of this process and it is catching up with me.

The Reality is...

bringing home a 4 year old is a little different than having a newborn baby.
Although you are not dealing with the physical recovery that goes along with giving birth, you are also not really given the usual "R & R" period that is expected after giving birth.
You bring home this new child and you don't really miss a beat. There are no meals being brought in, and no nap time with a newborn. You have to jump right back into, cleaning. etc. and on top of it all, your new "baby" is mobile!

The Reality is.....
we are still overwhelmed....

yes, part of it comes from trying to get caught up on life after being gone for 32 days,

part of it is the logistics of suddenly having 4 year old twins....

but MOST of it is feeling overwhelmed with gratitude as we watch this little girl explore the world

a world so very different from the one she knew 2 weeks ago

and we are overwhelmed at the wonder and the awe that is so apparent in her eyes as she soaks it all in.

we are overwhelmed with joy to see how well she is adjusting and enjoying the abundance of attention she is getting.

The reality is...

tucking all 4 of my girls into their OWN beds,

under the SAME roof

the first night home was a tremendous feeling......

no more empty beds here

The reality is....

it is an adjustment for everyone to add a new one to the family dynamics.

But I am so proud of my girls as I have watched them welcome

with open arms

their new little questions asked.
My sweet Bree is trying so hard to adjust to this new change to her life....

her mom and dad leave for 32 days

and bring home another 4 year old who is now sharing her room, her attention, and her family....

and she is doing so well.

She is Mia's guardian angel...

She is the reason we knew we could bring Mia home...

Does she have her moments of fighting for the attention and struggling with what is really going on? yes, but all things considered, I am so proud of how well she is handling things.

The Reality is...

Mia is loving life

She LOVES to swim

and try new things.

The reality is....

the miracle of this little Ukrainian princess is not over

she is touching people's hearts with her amazing ability to love

and showing us all that she has so much to give.

The Reality is...

looking at her intelligent,

beautiful little soul

and thinking of it being extinguished in an institution around the world gives me chills...and not the good kind.
She is smart

She is happy

She is capable

She is eager to learn

She loves freely

The reality is....

This girl is LOVED

The reality is that nothing else really matters.

It is all worth it....she is finally here and she is part of a family!


  1. beautiful! So touching! I love her and I love you and your family for all you do and all you share of your life. Max wants to meet Mia! ( ok and so do I )

  2. I can't really see my screen as I type this! Tears are streaming....I love everything about what you wrote, the matching dresses, pjs, swimming suits, the way the girls look at each other, the family picture. It's so amazing. I can't imagine the feeling, the reality, the emotions. You guys are amazing and so are your girls!

  3. LOVE the picture of Bree and Mia in their towels laughing! To DIE for!!

  4. Don't you wish you could get into her little mind for a while and see what she's thinking? The fact that she's only 4 combined with the new language she's hearing and learning now instead of the one she's used to would make it hard to get a good grasp of what she's thinking but I just wish I could hear her little thoughts about all of this! I love that picture of her in her new bed under her Pottery Barn or something like it quilt. I remember when you posted those pictures when you first made up her bed and it was empty. I remember thinking that one day you would post a picture of her in that bed and I couldn't wait to see it. So glad y'all are home safe and sound!

  5. The reality is I have been having Mia withdrawals :) So I appreciate you taking the time from what I can only imagine to be your extremely busy life to share updates and pictures with the rest of us.

    Thank you for also sharing some of the realities with us. I hope you have a good support group to lean on. Adoption of an older child is a beautiful thing but definitely comes with it's challenges.

  6. Amazing Kecia!! Looks like everything is going well. Looks like she has been with you all forever! I appreciate the updates. I hope you bounce back and have some time for yourself!

  7. The reality is . . . I adore you and your beautiful family. My girlfriend and dear neighbor Jaime has just started this journey and is in the process of adopting another angel from RR. I am a mother and teacher who has always had a special place in my heart for people with Downs and looking at your girls brings (happy) tears to my eyes. I do not know what my part will be in the big picture, but this ministry has touched me and you are a part of that as well.

    God bless you and yours,

  8. Such a great story with all the pictures! I can see the joy in her sweet little face...what a different life she has now. I will continue to pray and work hard to spread the word, so that these sweet angels don't have to live their lives out in an institution! Thanks for sharing, and eventually, you'll catch up with life :D

    Elk Grove, CA

  9. KECIA! I can hardly even type! Amazing post, with amazing words and photos that completely convey the joy Mia must feel as she is a part of your family. I LOVE THIS! You are amazing. Can't wait to play again with you guys this week. xoxo

  10. Oh, thank you so much for sharing these with us all!!! Your girls are so beautiful and it was wonderful to see more Mia pictures!!! :) :) I can only imagine the craziness, but it looks like you are having a wonderful time with the adjustment. Have soooo enjoyed watching this journey! :) Thanks so much again for taking time to include us!

  11. I have eagerly been awaiting this post! I have been following your adoption blog for a while now, but this is my first time commenting! I made my family watch the homecoming video at dinner the other night ;)
    I can't believe Mia is finally HOME! She looks SO happy and she is SO blessed to be in your family. She seems to be adjusting so well, which I'm sure has everything to do with her wonderful parents and three loving sisters!

  12. I LOVE your reality! Beautiful family, beautiful story!

  13. While anxiously awaiting this first at-home post, I could only imagine how difficult it must be, settling into a new life while fighting jetlag, the overnighter in the airport, and all of your new day-to-day realities. I could imagine how the new family structure must feel for Bree. I have fallen in love with Bree through this journey, too, and look forward to meeting all of you before long. Your story has helped your 96-yr-old great aunt Virginia come through her recent illness. We love you.

  14. So, I came downstairs to shut the computer for the night and decided to just check fb and here is this wonderful surprise post! I LOVE it EVERY bit of it! The pictures and the words tell a beautiful and touching story! xoxoxo

  15. i too am having Mia withdrawl symptoms! THANKYOU so much for posting in what must be such a crazy time and i can understand why you are exhausted in every way! so you time to post this and share with all of us who have simply fallen in love with mia and all your family is so wonderful! Kecia your story and the brilliance with which you tell it touch many people. thankyou! and what a joy to see your girls and their smiles! xxx

  16. Such a sweet post! I'm sure it is has been an ajustment for you and your family, BUT watching you with your family it seems like you have it all under control and it hasn't seemed like an ajustment to you. It seems like everything has been so natural in the transition for you guys! You're an amazing person Kecia, and family! Let me know if you want or need any help!

  17. I love, love, love this post!!! Thank you for sharing your amazing journey. I love all the pictures of the girls in their adorable matching dresses and in their beds. What a great feeling to tuck them all in every night. I love how Mia and Bree look at each other and laugh together. They were meant to be together all along. You all were! You have such an amazing family with 4 beautiful little girls--inside and out. I can't wait to meet little Mia! (By the way, Jayne has the same black swimsuit. I love it!) When life settles down, we really need to get together! Can I do anything to help? Can I take your girls one day?

  18. Oh the matching dresses! Love... I can only imagine how exhausted you must be yet your spirit continues to shine though! Kecia, you and Kris are such a great example of love, dedication and strength to so many people (me for sure!) I am sure it will only get easier as you settle into life and catch up on sleep. Mia is definitely Mia now! it seems somewhat symbolic that she has a new name for a new life and future. Mia has such a bright future as opposed to the one that Kareen would have had without you. I wish we lived closer, we would love to have your twins over to play!

  19. I can only imagine how exhausted you are. The jetlag alone would make me exhausted. It usually takes me a week to get back into reality after a 7 day trip. You have every right to feel a little crazy for the next month as you catch up with your life and family. I can’t get over how cute your girls are. Love the matching clothes, swimsuits and jammies! I can’t wait to meet Mia and see you and your family again. I have loved following along on your journey and have to agree with Emily that you and Kris are amazing examples of love, dedication and strength to all of us. Thank you for that!

  20. I just love seeing Mia's smile- it just takes my breath away how full of joy she is now. The reality is- I can't ever stinking see the keys to type when I come read how you guys are doing!!

  21. The reality is....your are living your life fully and have opened up a new world for your children, your community and have given Mia the greatest gift one can ever receive. A family. You are awe inspiring. I REALLY want to meet you....San Antonio?!?!?! PLEASE!!!!

  22. Nobody brought you meals?! I'm shocked! It looked like you had such a big support group. I'm so sorry you had to do everything on your own. :(
    Beautiful, beautiful pics. Your girls are so precious. I love seeing the relationship between Mia and Bree! We have virtual twins as well- adopted a just turned 2 year old and our youngest then had just turned 2. They're four days apart and talk and act just like twins. I love it!

  23. I would love to get into Mia's mind for just one really understand how it must feel to one day be in the orphanage and then suddenly be in such a beautiful home surrounded by little people (and big people!) who love you and satisfy every need you have. The girls look so happy together! Mia is always smiling (the reality is she is not always, I'm sure, but every single picture her beautiful smile just lights up your blog. And Bree sure is a beautiful girl too! I'm so happy for Mia. If only I could do it too...right now. It's so hard waiting for my miracle. You guys inspire me!

  24. It's plain to see Bree is full of sweetness ~ she is just adorable and I love her smile so much. What a great gift you have given to all your girls. Thank you for sacrificing so much for them . . . "you shall reap rejoicing."

  25. I love how honest you are. Honest while realizing the blessing it is to bring this little girl home. Remember we are still praying for you and your family that this adjustment will go smoothly and quickly. Between various family members I have 9 adopted cousins. While they are loved, the adjustment is very hard, most were adopted over the age of 4 and don't have downs but other emotional or mental challenges. Call your R.S. President...get some meals brought over. Continue to ask for help and support over the next few weeks, months! You will need it just as much if not more than you did while you were out of the country!! Have fun with your emotional catharsis! Hopefully you are more sane that I am when I can finally let go of all the stress and feelings I've been holding in for a while!! Your family is beautiful!! God obviously chose you because of your great capacity to do this special work!!

  26. i so appreciate all these pictures and your honest words. when we finally bring davis home, i too will be learning how to care for my "twins." can't wait!

  27. This is beautiful! So glad your family is all home and under one roof! It's fantastic! Mia's life is now a life! I am so happy for her that I'm in tears & happy for you all as well! God is so so good!

  28. Hi Beautiful Friend, Can I say I love this post? I love it!! Your sweet Mia is soaking up life and grabbing it up by the handfuls! What more could a Momma want? What's amazing is that my giveaway on my blog(no this is not a shoutout, just a coincidence) is for a necklace that says You Are Worth It All.. Mia Kareen, you are worth it all and so is Paisley and every other little one that was deemed worthless... Your daughter is priceless, Kecia, just priceless, in the eyes of the Father and to all of us. :)

  29. Absolutely precious! This post was so worth the wait. I loved the videos but I was really looking forward to reading your words. Kecia - you have such a way of expressing yourself. All four of your girls are just beautiful!

  30. How beautiful! You are blessed beyond measure with a gorgeous family!

  31. Thank you so much for sharing!

  32. I've been reading a book and throughout it quotes the scripture about the putting your light on a hill and not hiding it, and it occurred to me that you have been such a perfect example of this. During the last 6 or 7 months of paperchasing, a husband busy with tax season, attending to your own little girls and family and church and friends, getting ready to travel, traveling, and with just everything going on, it could have been so easy to cross one thing off your list and not blog about this entire journey, or just do a short simple blog for family. I am so glad you didn't!

    You have taken your faith and testimony and put it up there like a shining beacon for so many people, and I am so grateful to have been a part of this journey, if only as a distant observer. My own testimony has grown so much and I am so grateful that you were willing to share your family and this journey with so many people. Thank you Kecia (and Kris and all your girls).

  33. Mia looks like a perfect fit and that she's always been a part of your little family and there's no question that Mia is finally where she belongs.

  34. I kind of chuckled when you talked about the reality of twin 4 year olds. I laughed because I know better. It's more like twin 2 1/2 year olds. Which is fun, but busy. Nap times or cranky times, 2 running in different directions, throwing food, and the ominious task of diapers and potty training. Twin 4 year olds would be much easier! I say this because I know. I have Charity (DS) 4 and sister 2 1/2 who is twins cognitively with her older sister if not already passing her up. It's busy; it's exhausting; and it's a wonderful age & time!! Your girls are so well behaved, but I hope you get a chance for a little R & R, no I hope you get a more than a little. You need and deserve the extra care. Wish I could bring you dinner and take the kids for you so you could nap or get a little caught up. Boy would my kids love the playdate!!!
