Friday, June 17, 2011

Flight info update

Kris & Kecia's flight will arrive at 1:45 PM (30 minutes early) so plan accordingly if attending!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. So exciting!!!!!!! They are sooooooo close! Welcome home miss Mia!

  2. Max just went down for a nap so I'm bummed we won't be at the airport - but we plan on stopping by your house later :)

  3. so wish i could be there! i send welcome home hugs from the uk! xxxx

  4. I WISH we could be there!!!! We will be sending love & prayers from Yorktown Heights, NY

    ps... hope we get some pictures tonight!!!! just sayin' ;))

  5. Hoping for a few words or photos to let your fans in cyberspace know that you really made it! You poor people...such a long day today, after a sleepless night in the airport. I guess I can understand if you don't get to it tonight. ;-)

  6. Welcom home Mia!
    We are al cheering for you!

  7. Can't wait to see the homecoming ! Have been checking for updates all day! Welcome home Mia!!!

  8. Welcome Home Mia!!! So excited for you and your family. Can't wait to see pictures.

    Jennifer from CA

  9. so excited, keep clickig refresh and imagining the celebrations! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  10. I am dying over here for an update!!! :)

  11. I am having Mia withdraws. I have started following other journeys but can't wait to see Mia with her sisters. I know I need to be patient because I am sure you are suffering from jetlag and trying to get in all your hugs and kisses from the sweeties you haven't seen in over a month. Hopefully we get to see her homecoming soon :)

  12. FYI Kecia - there are pictures of you guys on my blog from the open house - feel free to steal them :)

  13. somehow I completely missed the memo that you were having people over for a welcome home party! BOO.
    I'd love to host a playgroup at our house to welcome Mia to the bigger family - if you have the time!
