Thursday, March 24, 2011

SOOO bummed!!!!

We thought for sure we would be submitted today (meaning our dossier would be submitted to the SDA, the State Department of Adoptions in Kareen's country, and the legal process would start and you would usually only be a few weeks from receiving a travel date) and we were NOT! OUr dossier got there so fast we thought for sure it would be submitted today, but since it was not it means we have to wait a WHOLE week to hear again! We are PRAYING that we get submitted next week because the first 2 weeks of April the SDA is closing to new dossiers so if we miss next weeks submission than we will be another few weeks out. Being submitted means more than just getting closer to a travel means that your child's file is pulled and put in your file and that they are "legally held" for you and that they are alright. So continuing to wait to hear that good news is hard! I just need to KNOW that she is ours and that she is ok!

I emailed Kris and was very upset about not having good news today and in his usual wisdom he responded "Yeah that sucks, I was hoping to hear good news today. weird. I guess like everything in the process we just have to have faith that things will work out and that the timing of everything is in the Lord's hands, as it has been in everything that has happened so far. "

See why I married this man? On this rainy, gloomy, no good news day, he says the right thing to make me feel a little better.


  1. Love you guys. You did marry a great guy-perfect for you and your girls.

  2. i agree that does suck! But sounds like you married a wise man. The work is all yours but i guess there's no getting around the fact that the timing is all God's.
    praying it's next week!

  3. So sorry. Waiting must be so very hard. I will say some extra prayers for Kareen and your family to stay strong, stay healthy. Kareen must be feeling all the love coming at her from thousands of miles away!!

  4. I am so sorry! It must be killing you to do all this waiting. We will pray for you some more, hopefully it will be next week. Good luck.

  5. Sorry, Kecia! I can relate a bit - We were hoping to have our hs today and instead our sw is fighting us on approval for 2 kids (we have said we'd like the option open to us to follow the Lord's leading if He shows us another child once we're there). My hubs is my calm voice of reason too! ;) No matter how often the Lord shows me that His plan is always best, I still try to make plans of my own. lol Praying y'all get submitted next Thurs!!

  6. hang in there Kecia! I'm praying too!

  7. Ahh, darnit. You know you can't get your date on the first try! That would be way too easy! Things very rarely happen according to our own timing. It's just the way things work over here. Our dossier sat in Anya's city for 4 months before we got a travel date and it was horrible waiting, but now that we're at the end, we can see how it was all in the Lord's timing...just perfect. Before you know it, you'll be scrambling to get your visas and plane tickets and all the waiting will be one big blur. :) You're so close, though. Yeah!!
